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Do You Need an Attorney for Your Workers’ Comp Case?
Hiring an attorney is not mandatory to file a workers’ comp claim. However, workers’ compensation is a complicated field of law. The more complex your incident, the more you will want an experienced guide to help you through the intricate process. And the more serious your injury, the more critical it will be to receive all your entitled benefits. With Rose Legal, you never have to pay anything up front. You only pay a fee once your case is successfully won or settled.

Having an attorney who specializes specifically in workers’ comp is highly beneficial for incidents such as these:
- Complex Cases. An attorney can help you navigate complex circumstances involving disputed liabilities, multiple injuries, disagreements over how bad a disability is, or injuries that overlap with pre-existing conditions. For example, if you’ve broken your back sometime in the past, back pain experienced from a later repeated stress injury at work may be blamed on that earlier injury. An attorney can help prove to the insurance company that your current injury stems from the workplace.
- Denied or Delayed Claims. Employers and insurance companies often reject workers’ compensation claims when they believe workers will immediately drop the matter. When this happens, a workers’ comp lawyer can appeal the decision and gather the evidence needed to support your case.
- Insufficient Settlements. Judges are often able to approve a settlement agreement so long as it appears even remotely within reason. Having an attorney to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company can ensure you get a fair deal.
- Permanent Disabilities. Claims involving long-term or permanent impairment usually require legal expertise to ensure sufficient compensation for ongoing medical expenses and loss of earning capability. Since these payments (either delivered weekly or in one lump sum) can really add up, insurance companies often try to avoid paying as much of the full benefits as possible.
- Social Security Disability Benefits. Without the help of a workers’ comp attorney, the benefits of your settlement may affect your Social Security disability payments.
- Third-Party Liabilities. If a third party such as a contractor, equipment manufacturer, or negligent driver is partially responsible for your injury, an experienced attorney can assist in taking the appropriate legal action. Some situations call for a personal injury case on top of a workers’ comp claim.
- Retaliation from Employers. It is illegal for your employer to fire you, demote you, reduce your pay, or cut your hours simply because you filed a workers’ comp claim. If any discrimination of this sort happens to you, contact an experienced attorney to help protect your legal work rights.
There are some situations where you may be able to get by without an attorney. If your injury is very minor, such as a twisted ankle that heals quickly, you might not have to miss much work or require significant medical treatment. You also may happen to have an entirely clear-cut case of a work-related injury that has zero overlap with any pre-existing conditions you might have, and an employer who is willing to provide excellent support throughout the workers’ comp process.
Still, you can always give a Rose Legal attorney a call at 801-810-7673 for a free consultation. That way you will be able to make an informed decision on the matter. You can also email legal@workcomputah.com to see if your claim can be converted to a paid claim. Remember, your claim may be worth more than you think.